June 17, 2007 -- OMG, one of my best friends just got married!! We always knew Scotti would be the first to go, but it is still weird to see it happen to someone I can still remember in 6th grade wearing cutoff shorts and big, baggy coca-cola t-shirts. Scotti asked Kim, Jimmy and me to be part of the wedding, with Kim and me handing out programs and Jimmy ushering. It was great to go to the rehearsal dinner and hear the toasts, especially to hear from Bobby's side of the family about how much he loves Scotti.

The next day was the wedding... Scotti looked absolutely gorgeous and had an incredible dress (with hips!!). As we predicted, both Scotti and Kim cried, and Jimmy and I cracked jokes the whole time ;-)

At the reception we created a Prep alumni table right next to the dancefloor. We also were smart enough to clear our table of the empties so we didn't look like drunks... unlike the TCU table! Kim caught the bouquet but Jimmy was too focused onhis beer to catch the garter as the guy next to him knocked it out of his hand.

We said goodbye to the bride and groom at around 6:30, throwing rose petals at them as they headed to their rented Celica (apparently they don't rent Mustangs to people under 24... so there went Scotti's dream car!!). That left us a few drinks in at 6:30 with nothing to do, so we decided to go to the local hotel hot tub with a few more drinks until they threw us out. Despite breaking most of the pool rules (no food or alcohol, no running, no horseplay...) they never did, so we stayed until we were good and *relaxed*.

Sunday morning, we headed out of town. Kim and I dropped Jimmy off at DFW (which apparently later that day was severely flooded from the entire weekend full of rain) and then headed off on the 10 hour drive home. I got to introduce Kim to the stunning landscape of west Texas... stunningly boring and flat, that is. We got back into New Mexico just in time to see the sun disappear behind the Sandias. It's good to be home!!
for more pictures, check my album at http://rice.facebook.com/album.php?aid=2027250&l=408f3&id=3002640 (sorry, uploading on this website is very slow...)
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