I stopped in Helena for lunch, and it turned out to be a surprisingly cute little town with lots of old buildings left over from the gold rush era.

I stopped at an Irish pub for lunch (in the lower left corner)

This is a sign I had seen in several bathrooms in the northwest--the "stop disease method of handwashing." They tell you to dry your hands first and use the towel to turn off the water to avoid any germs on the handle.... which sounds totally foreign to me. That would never fly in New Mexico!!

I stopped in Bozeman for the night, where I had heard of this very cool hostel run by an Aussie. Sadly the Aussie was on a week vacation and wouldn't be back til Monday, but I had an awesome time with the other people there nontheless. We went to one pool hall nearby and were very excited about the $3.50 pitchers of Fat Tire (here Evan happily counts his money after paying).

We ran into one of our other hostel mates, Essau, who was playing pool.

He had been challenged to a game by this crazy Korean pool shark, but Essau would only agree with the condition that the other guy play one handed... which turned into one handed under the leg!

We left the pool hall to go exploring the rest of Bozeman, finding this hilarious business along the way...

After hopping through multiple bars on the main strip, all too full of Montana State students on a Friday night, we finally settled on this chill pub. And these were my very cool friends for the night, Evan, Jessica and Derrick.

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