I only realized once I was inside that this was actually a brand I had bought in Kroger in Houston! They also had a very cute garden outside--

I continued up through the park to Diablo Lake--

And on along the North Cascades Scenic Highway, basically just surrounded by huge jagged peaks on all sides--

Finally I got up to the Washington Pass Overlook, a crazy cliff overlooking a bend in the valley. The four pictures do actually go side by side.

And this is what it looked like looking down...

Then I came down from the mountains into eastern Washington, an area which looks oddly (and I had been told this by other people, too, I am not just making it up) like New Mexico. It is a high desert, meaning short grasses, shrubs, sage, and sparse spruce and pines. To me, it was uncanny--

I stopped in the cutest little wild west town named Winthrop, complete with false fronts along its main street.

I loved the town so much I had to hang out for a while, ending up at the Winthrop Brewing Company (of course). I sat outside with my porter and very soon was called over by a couple sitting at another one of the outdoor tables--I guess they couldn't stand seeing me sitting there alone. I had quite a time with this crazy couple from Florida, who were apparently just on this trip on a whim.

I kept heading east after Winthrop, and the scenery looked almost like I was heading from northern NM to southern NM as the sun set.

My goal for the night was a campground in Spokane, so I put the pedal to the metal on the backcountry roads as the light faded.

Finally I made it to the campground around 10:30, way after both nightfall and the bedtime of the campground hosts. Luckily the park ranger security guy showed me to a vacant spot, where I saw the first shooting star of the trip :-)
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